Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Photoshop Texture Change - Strawberry-car

Original Car

Original Strawberry
New Background
Strawberry car w/ 
new background
-Start by loading up the car image and masking away the
background by using the brush tool on the mask layer
-mask the strawberry in another file, to where only the strawberry,
not including the green part, remains. save the file.
- back to the car file, go to File>Place Embedded, then chose your straw
berry file.
-lower the opacity of the strawberry layer so you can see the car as you
line it up
-depending on your image, either size the strawberry to cover the car, or
copy the layer (Ctrl C, Ctrl V, or Ctrl J on the layer to make copies) to
fit the car, then use the Clone stamp tool (S for the shortcut). When using
the stamp tool, Press ALT when hovering over a part of a strawberry to
choose the texture, then blend the fruits together to make it look like one strawberry.
-now mask the strawberry layer with the car mask, to make it so that the strawberry only covers the car
-On the strawberry mask, remove the parts of the strawberry that cover parts like the windows, headlights, wheels, or the front grill with the brush tool.
-you should have a car without any background remaining, if you do have a background still, just mask it away.
-save the file
-in a new file, open your new background, then go to File>Place embedded, and chose the strawberry car
-place the car to where it looks like it's sitting on the road, and use the burn and dodge tools on the car to make it the lighting look realistic

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