Thursday, February 27, 2020

Photoshop Texture Change and Morphing - Cthulhu

Peacock feathers

Colourful Rocks
Durian Fruit



Toucan Head


Toucan Wings

This project requires a lot of masking. each piece that you will be adding the the Octopus could in reality be done in any order

-Start with the octopus in a new file, then load the Colourful rocks, Toucan parts, and carrots in separate files, and mask them out. an easy way to quickly mask is to use the quick selection tool (W), select the object, then go up to Select>Inverse to select everything but the object, then mask and use the paint bucket tool (G) and paint away the background.

-back to the Octopus, bring in a cut out carrot, then copy (Ctrl J) it two times, so you have three of them, arrange them in the crown-like shape that you see in the final product, then merge the layers, and use the clone stamp (S, Alt to select a paste)  to make it look like one solid piece.

-Bring the Toucan Head in, and begin by aligning it with the octopus head. cut out the octopus eyes with the selection tool, then copy paste them and place it over the Toucan head. using a light eraser, blend it in to the toucan head, or use the clone stamp to lightly blend it in. do the same thing with the carrots to make the crown like shape.

-blend in the toucan head with the Octopus by using the techniques mentioned before, then select the beak of the toucan. bring in your Durian image, and align it to the beak. with the beak still selected, go to the durian layer, and mask the layer, making it fit over the beak. multiply the layer to make it look better.

-bring in the colourful pebbles, and either fit it over the whole octopus, or copy paste a few, fit them across, then merge with the clone stamp (The latter looks better with these images).
select the octopus, then on the pebbles layer, mask it. multiply the layer.

-bring in the toucan wing, and fit it to the side of the Octopus, copy paste, and do the same thing on the other side. bring in the peacock feathers, copy paste a few, then  fit it over the wings. select the wing, them go to the peacock feather layer (merge the peacock layers and clone stamp them together). and mask, do it for both sides. mask the part of the wings that overlap the rest of the creature.

to change the background, copy all the layers, merge them, cut out the creature, then bring in a new background