Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Photoshop Morphing - Squion



Original Lion

Original Squirrel
This was a easier tutorial than the last two, all I did was the following;
-Cut the Lion head out, then put it on the squirrel file
-mask the cutout lion head to erase any left-over background
-size the lion head to the squirrel, and again, erase any background or part of the lion head to make it fit the body better

I did a very slight color balance on the lion head, making it slightly more red, as well as masking where the head connects to the body with a very light brush (low hardness)

For the background I merged the layers, than copy-pasted the outline i made around the Squion. I then used the clone stamp tool to make the tail look bushy again because cutting hair in Photoshop never looks good. I also clone stamped the log it sat on to elongate it, then used the burn and dodge to make the cut-out look like it belonged in the new background  

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