Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Coding Day 2 - The Basic CityScape Stage 2

Today was more difficult than the last, and I know it won't get any easier but hopefully I can understand the code as I go on. I'm doing a stage a day because I often go back over my code as well as the actual answer to try and understand   
1. The first challenge has us learn the code to move our XY point of origin. When you add a shape, it usually goes based off the top left corner, but using the new code, it allows us to go based off an existing shape to better place overlapping squares
2. this challenge tells us how to repeat a shape over a set amount of space and instances. it makes setting windows on a building much quicker and a lot more simple
3. This one is essentially the same as 2, but it lets us do a grid of shapes as apposed to a row or column. this again will make building windows a lot easier

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