Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Coding Day 1 - The Basic Cityscape Stage 1

To begin today's code I chose to do the Cityscape as well as the Flappy Square.
I'll be doing one stage every post 

1. The first challenge was easy enough. You learn that all objects are based around X and Y for positioning. so to make a cube in the spot you want, you would first type your X value to move it right, then your Y to move it down
2. again, an easier one to do, we make a long rectangle to act as our ground for the city. simply use different values to change shape and position of objects
3. This challenge was to change your Y value to interact with your ground level. you would add "Ground - (y)" instead of just your Y value to have it rest on the ground
4. This is where you had to add colour, but even 
when when you would type the code for it, it wouldn't work. I had to use the solution and copy-paste the code, even though it was the same answer, just to get it to work
5. This was, visually, a combination of 3 and 4, the same issue popped up where I had to copy the colour code for it to work. this used variables instead of plugging in numbers. you had to put what numbers you wanted all the squares to be, then when making the actual rectangle, using the variables that represent the values
6. This is where it got very challenging. instead of just adding the values, you had to calculate the size of the building floors and offices, so instead of adding, for example, a size of "100, 100" you would have to say "10 *10" for the value. This messed with me severely, and I had to look at the answer multiple times to understand 
7. this one had us make a set list of rules essentially for the buildings. it was useful because you could put multiple buildings, as you would in 3 or 4, but because you have the list, all the buildings would look the same.
8. this one I actually had a lot of issues with and honestly do not fully understand. before starting work on Stage 2, I'll be scanning through all these to get a refresher and understand better.

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