Friday, April 24, 2020

Coding Day 9 - Flappy Square Stage 5

Today was the last day of coding for me, I have done both projects that were here and it came out to nine days which is still pretty good. Today was just adding the finishing touches to the existing code.
1. The first step was just to add the name of the game "Flappy Square" in the top left side of the screen
The second addition was to make a score counter, which will add one score roughly every one second (800 miliseconds)
3. This section suggests that we changes some of the properties of our code, like the gravity, the space in between obstacles, how often they appear, the rate of the score counter, the frame rate and other possible options. I actually like what the example used so I copied what they did.

4. the final step was to change the colour of the flappy square and the obstacles to give it more character. I again went with the colour the answers provided, and that creates our final product

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