Monday, April 20, 2020

Coding Day 5 - Flappy Square Stage 1

I am so happy to see that the second stage essentially restarts coding and goes back to the beginning, allowing me to get a better understanding of the code. This was so much easier than the first one. Our goal for this is to make a flappy bird game.
1. This re-explains the co-ordinate system, using X and Y values to position your shapes 
2. This tells us the size of our flappy bird, the code is the same through-out the whole thing for the square
3. This shows us a new shape "context.strokeRect", which lets us make a outline, or in this case, the Game border where all our shapes and action will happen
4. This has us placing our obstacles for the game, just rectangles with a small gap for the square to get through
5. This has us using variables to make the square, rectangles, and border
6. This shows us how to group variables. what I mean by that is when you have multiple variables using, for example the word "Square", you can put it under a group so you don't have to repeat the word over again

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